Mairead Horsfall



Bachelor of Physiotherapy 2017 Charles Sturt University

Womens Pelvic Health level 1

Womens Life Stages Level 1

Sports physiotherapy level 1 &2

Dry Needle Therapy



Mairead is a senior physiotherapist at Lifecare Frankston. She enjoys working with people from all walks of life and any musculoskeletal or neurological areas of pain. With extensive experience and success working with sporting injuries, osteoarthritis and persistent pain, Mairead has more recently has branched in women’s and pelvic health.


As Lifecare Frankston’s resident expert in Women’s Health, Mairead is honoured to be working with clients through menopause, adolescence, older age, pregnancy and the childbearing years. She guides clients through urinary and faecal incontinence, constipation, sexual pain and pelvic girdle pain and of course safe exercise through pregnancy to optimise health, labour and recovery. As a mum to 3 little kids herself Mairead understands firsthand the struggles of keeping active and strong while raising a family. No topic is too uncomfortable to talk about with Mairead.


Evident from first meeting, Mairead’s approach is caring, thorough and fun. Through genuine personal connection, she gains a real picture of all the factors at play in each person’s presentation. Mairead draws on her expertise in biomechanics, pain relieving techniques and scientific research to find the most personally effective management technique for each client.


She absolutely loves coming into work and describes herself as “a bit of a dag when it comes to physiotherapy” because she can’t hide her enthusiasm for the benefits it brings her clients.


Lifecare Frankston Physiotherapy