5 tips to avoid injuries this January

January is the time when everyone decides to get a head start on their fitness resolutions and get fit for 2019. You may have got a gym membership, bought equipment for a home setup, started following YouTube workout videos or got a new exercise app- the options to exercise and stay healthy are endless. However, injuries related to poor training can come hand in hand with your January exercise program if you are not careful.

1. Take rest days. Do not forget to let your body recover between sessions. Try and have days when you are not exercising or opt for a very light work out.

2. Change your workouts. Avoid doing the same thing day in and day out. If you are training for a 10km run, for example, make sure you change the type of running you’re doing (different pace, speed, distance, etc) as well as cross training (cycling, swimming, etc).

3. Set realistic goals. This will not only help you stay motivated and focused but it will also ensure you are pacing yourself and avoiding unnecessary injuries.

4. Remember your warm up and cool downs. Spend some time before and after exercising giving your body some TLC, and remember to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

5. Do not ignore injuries. If an injury is lingering for a few days or getting progressively worst, seek help from a health professional to get you back on track

Please contact us on 9301 4711 if you would like to book an appointment or find out more information.